Author Services

Services Offered

Development editing takes in the big picture of your manuscript. During the process, the editor examines writing, phrasing, structure and style.  This type of editing can also examine everything from word usage to phrasing, plot holes or gaps, character development, pacing and much more. 

A line edit addresses the creative content, writing style, and language used at the sentence and paragraph level. But the purpose of a line edit is not to comb your manuscript for errors, a line edit focuses on the way you use language to communicate your story to the reader.

Copy editing checks your manuscript for spelling, grammar, syntax and punctuation. During this phase, your manuscript is also checked for consistency in style, including spelling, capitalization, font usage, hyphenation, numerals, etc.

Proofreading is the final step in the manuscript editing process and is designed to catch last minute errors.

This provides you concise feedback as to the progress of your book. I will candidly provide tips on how to make your book better.

Free Consultation

Please contact me so we can talk more about pricing and what might work for you and your budget.